Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Randomly posting it.

I am starting this post, with some random pictures I took at the airport today, very random. Using AF Macro mode in my FH3. I really want a dSLR, very badly. I am waiting for the Canon 600D to be released out in Singapore, only UK has it for now.

Aren't they beautifully random?

Let's start with today, School was fine. First lesson by Mr Zaidi, we had our EFC progress test for Unit 2. It's not simple and yet complicated. I keep having the feeling I won't do perfectly for my course. I want to get a perfect GPA4 but action speaks louder than words.

After EFC, It was CSV. Relieved by Mr Jannif because our Class Advisor/CSV Lecturer was on a course that day. He gave us an hour to do a open book mock test again, it's not easy even though it's a open book test. You need time to search for answers, is like searching a needle in a hay.

OSA for the last period, had CA and I am very confident I will pass it with flying colours, I am good at this module. I am very proud of myself.

Ended the test and passed thumbdrive to Avinash, as he requested me to put songs inside it. Went home after that.
I am born in my way, cause God makes no mistakes

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