Tuesday, March 15, 2011


School was fine today, every lesson was being boring and funny at some moment. Right exactly during this lesson, called 'Care Lesson' when teachers talks to us? Play games. Many more enjoyable games. We started of by playing a game called 'Squirrel and Tree' If I am not wrong. The whole class was damn hyper active.

Finished playing, our class advisor settled us down. We had some chit-chat session, until one part when my classmate was laughing so hard, she Leaned on my shoulder, I was like anything? Until my CA (Class Advisor) started to notice and asked her why is she leaning on my shoulder. Than slowly? My whole face turned into the colour of an tomato, my body was feeling very hot like I was burning or something.

Anyway before the class starts, there was this 3 dummy heads that was used by Hair Fashion & Design students being left at a corner. Me don't know that it was actually heads, my classmates and I screamed, one even run for escape. It's just too scary. No one claimed the 'heads' it was a ROFL moment.

Bye, p/s: Canon EOS 600D you're gonna be mine one day

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