The previous post tells it all already.
I will be starting with famous bloggers like,
XX, TypicalBen and aNdYSTORM!After that, my favourite bloggers like a few of them in my LINKS!
I won't be elaborating much on the first three bloggers, but as for others. I will elaborate more. So let it all begins.

Of course, this famous blogger. Who don't read her blog? Her tips for photoshop, always give me a helping hand! She's a full-time camwhorer I can say. Well I shall not elaborate on her! She is so famous, I think I don't have describe much!

This blogger, has a craze over ORANGE. His blog is already a good example. Even though he's in National Service now. He won't fail his readers, he will blog even though he's in camp. But I have no idea how does that.

His blog, complicated yet interesting. He always show how close he is with his clique(envy*) he's also in camp currently, but he will rush out a few blog posts before he enter camp. He is being thoughtful to his readers! Not disappointing them!
Well I am done with the first three bloggers, they're familiar right? of course. who don't read their blog! Now im continuing with the rest of the blogs I
read.P/s: The blogs ain't arrange in rank, they're arranged in alphabetical order!
ABELSPEARS from He is good in blogging and always using perfect english, even in scolding people who are meant to be. His voice sounds like a English guy from the US? He has a craze over
LADY GAGA now his blog have a banner. "BORN THIS WAY". He's a very social guy not to mention he's damn friendly! he hanged out with a few bloggers when he's in Singapore,
FYI! he's a Malaysian! but he don't look like one! Well that's the most I can say about him!
AMELIA aka CHOCOXBABY from obviously the picture above is edited by me as I screenshot her page for reference, hope she won't blame me from destroying her layout! One thing bout Amelia, she has very straight hair!, she have a sudden love for sky blue. When she liked chocolate colours in the past. Her posts is always long except for sometimes when it's short. She can draw doodles in photoshop by just using a MOUSE! the drawings came out fantastic! her layouts never fails her readers! they're always cute looking!
HESTER from Hester is my breadtoast, the nickname was given by her! We call each other that! She is a spammer in twitter also in love korean bands if im not wrong. Her layouts is simple but fascinating. Her posts ain't that wordy all the time but still she has readers! Like me! but as for now, she private her blog so her readers can't read her blog anymore! But I believe there will be a day where she unprivate her blog again!
LISA from Lisa is a absolute camwhorer! She's very photogenic, especially when it comes to her own facebook profile picture! Her blog feature a very cute girl, a english girl when I thought it was an Asian. She's a thai! Not looking like one. Her posts is filled with cute emoticons! which makes her readers wanting to know where she got them from.
MIKO from Miko is a blogger with many many special ideas! like how she link me and some other bloggers! once you enter her blog. Nice and refreshing music that i don't know welcomes you! She's a great photoshopper if i am right, her blog banner can tell right? The banner is already so well photoshop-ed! She even created some copyright banner for bloggers like Amelia and others which i am not sure! She is so thoughtful.
QING from Qing is a very tall girl! I think she's as tall as me! Well i like tweetchatting with her on twitter. She owns a holga which I have no idea what is that. She taught me stuffs like whats the difference between SLR and DSLR! obviously she knows CAMERAS very very well. She take good photos and she loves a bear named, i don't know how to spell. But the bear is brown in color! Her posts always have pictures edited by herself!
VALERIE from Valerie is a sister to me, this post could be successful because of her. The photoshop I have now is given from her, she's fantastic. She also have a craze over korean pop songs. Once you enter her site, songs will auto play from her playlist. She likes chocolate colors! her blog is already very choco. Her posts is wordy without pictures but I still like reading them.
OK Thats all i can think of what to say! i know my describing sucks!
Any offending of you in the description, contact me in my TAGBOARD! so i can remove them!