Tuesday, June 30, 2009
190th , 1st Day !!!
I am toking bout my 1st day of skooling !
I simply is too tired @ the 1st day !!! who doesn't manx!
Ermm the paikiass aLL bo come to schoool! sho happy !@!
Classroom renovated so new and bright hurt my eyes ! sold until i keep AHCHOO! din see dear for a MONTH LER !
... She prettier lerr HOHOHO! i am such a glib ... HAHAH!
Because of that fuggin H1N1 we need to take temperature twice a day !!!
So whatever lorh 1st one @ 8.15 la 2nd one @ 12.15 la ...
Feel like wanting to stop TAKING EMM ! 36.9 degrees celcius ! cool huh my temperature is the same lehh for the 1st day !!!
My Principal said that 599 case of H1N1 in Singapore !!!
But Today it became like 620 cases !!! i heard it and FAINTED!!!
I will update soon ! BRB!
H1N1 just simply sucks !!!!! cos skool cannot close !
Some more need take temperature 2 times !!! everyday!!!
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Will you be sick of it !!! everyday 2 times !!!
never bring thermometer need buy new one !!!
right away !!! $4.20 i last semester keep forgoting to bring ME thermometer!
I will just need to buy and buy and buy !!!
Currently now i got four thermometers UNTOUCHED !!! !!!
Then i just hate buying thermometers !!!
HATE HATE HATE !!! H1N1 ... will decrease not increase !!!
Just knew Singapore got 701 Person with Influenza A H1N1 !!!
Alot huh can battle with Hong Kong liaos !
Why is dis Virus aiming teenagers ? is like a disaster !!! created by god ! to keep teens who are unrespectful to parents?
Cuz elderly only a few like 3% out of a 100%
Teens ? 40% out of 100% !!!
ALOT ALOT !!! ALOT ALOT !!! teens !
Aiyah my eyebags are heavier sch is 2moro !!!
Bye Bye my mum forcing me to sleep !!! BLOODY!
189th , HIATUS!
Due to Some School Work i will be not really post these few days !
If i am free i sure will do !!! Also i currently joined a CONTEST !
Hosted by Hester ! :D Pls fo support her okays ?!
also her link is ! http://www.sweetcake-ee.blogspot.com !
Saturday, June 27, 2009
188th , Blogskins to Blogger!

Micheal Jackson died so suddenly on 26th June 2009!
His Age was just 50 ! he went thru a total of 25 years of PLASTIC SURGERY!
Although i was not his no.1 fan but i am shocked that he DIED out of the sudden!
Wish all his number 1 fans and the wife will get over this :(!
HeyohS! Peepos!
Wonder why i had from Blogskinning changed to Blogger ?!
Because i am not really MOTIVATED to do codings ! anymore is so boring !
And beacuse of designing blogs i had been sleeping LATE!
Get to do!
1. School starting in approx TWO DAYS !
2. Get to adjust my sleeping time!
3. I/C Picture taken ! by 1st July!
4. Pack School Bag! Must Must my bag is dusty!
OMFG ! 2 days and so much things to do ! faints man !
T~T SobSob ! Is like in 2 days all in 2 DAYS!!!
Dun talk bout that ... !
[Transformers(FRIDAY 26th)]
Also i had watch Transformers Revenge of the Fallen !!!
The Story or the MORALE ! is so meaningful!

This movie just rocks ok! the funny thing about the TICKETS PART!
Why the Ticket parts cos !
@ 1st we went to Leisure Park @ Kallang for the a 9pm show! but (FULL HOUSE)
@ 2nd we went to Century Square @ Tampines for 9.30pm show! but also (FULL HOUSE) then @ 10pm also (FULL HOUSE) next @ 10.45pm also (FULL HOUSE)
@ 3rd we went to Tampines Mall! for 9.30pm show also! but (FULL HOUSE @ first) than my dad try his luck and we got four tickets just nice for our family ! :D ! also not front 2 rows ! is 2 rows from the BACK !!! aren't we lucky!
How did my Daddie get the 4 tickets!
The person who booked those tickets cannot come or whatsoever ! den what a coincidence my DAD got the 4 tickets ! so we can watch ! :)! the thing bout the CINEPLEX in TM! is their seats are squeezy ! far worse than other GV! Century Cineplex is even better ok !
GV Max in Vivo City is one of the places we planned to go but in the end NOPE !
Watched till 12.30am ! woah so late this is the first time so late manxz!
Ate mac ! MCWINGS! woot love it mans ! also after sch dun worry cannot get McValue lunch cos is extended from the Original 2 pm to 3 pm!
Ate Mac And went home reached home bout 1am:D
What a Hurry day with my family
[/Transformers(FRIDAY 26th)]
[AMK Hub & Taka!(SATURDAY 27th)]
Went to AMK HUB! today to meet my Aunt :D
@ S11 in the kopitiam next to Julibee !
HAH! Den you know what ! from the time we met our AUNT !
WE ATE TILL NIGHT ! OMFGG Exercise is needed man!
Walk Walk @ AMK Hub! den saw a new shop perhaps or was there effing long ?
Called the MOF! (Ministry Of Food)
It was a Japanese Cafe and Dessert shop :D!
The Ice-Cream is bout same as Mac's but softer and not so sweet ! and u can make it very TALL!
My Mum & Bro with me ate Choco Sundae (JAPAN STYLE)
My Aunt & God-Sis with another God-Sis ate Mango ICeCream! [Sort Of]
Than after that went to Takashimaya !
A place i never went to for at least 1 year ?! most probably ?!
Passed thru Wisma & walked outside !
A event was happenin @ Ngee Ann City Main Door !
Is a Shine! Youth Festival!
Teens dress up like Gothic or what and be like models on stage !
After Taka we went to B2 of Taka to buy some small bites to eat !
Bought Takoyaki!
And Many Many More ! With Ice Milk-Tea from MOSBURGER!
The sales happening in the B2 of taka is called Interior FAIR!
They Sells mattresses ! and cases of pillow and bolster !
After Taka we went to Toa Payoh Hawker for Dinner !
Ate Wanton Mee And lots of things ! SATAY!
My Bro which was @ home haven ate dinner but ill-tempered or threw his tantrum on my Dad so my dad went out without him!
He was planning to follow ! but Dad never wait HAHA! Neh Neh BUBU!
[/AMK Hub & Taka!(SATURDAY 27th)]
OMFG ! School is IN! @ 1 day !
187th , Navi Probs !
Wonder why my skin looks like this ?
Because i have no motivation to BLOG anymore !
Maybe changing to Live Journal pherhaps ?
See First !
Well me my self dunno whats going on also !?
Something is happening in blog !
I am really going to make my FUCKING decision to CHOOSE! whether to use !
My head are bursting !
Thursday, June 25, 2009
186th , Tags Replies & New layout
I changed new layout and look so similar like QING's one ... wonder will she be mad @ me cos is to alike :P!
ALAMAK! i also dunno why i like the current skin ! i am having now!
Wish Qing Allows me to use this skin cos i took HOURS ! to finish it mans
i promise this is the FINAL!!!
i knew i have been changing these days :P cos i dun find them nice :(!
<--End of version-->
Glynnis : Replied @ your tagboard
jolene' : you must hester yourself cos i made for her that bullet :) u want take the codes from here
Miko : Tag replied @ your cbox!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
185th , Freebies Location!
I cannot expect that this blogskin is so acceptable ! i cannot believe it with my own eyes ! nbm this is a short 1 cos i am rushing to somewhere ! and back in a moment!
I Heard there is someone named ! "FONT" say my freebies download got problem but i tried NOTHING WRONG !!!
Decided not to have LINK EXCHANGE Form ! want a link exchange tell me in Tagboard will do ! but after 10 more link exchange i will close my exchange ! and i will open when my mood is better :D
<--Updated Version-->
Link Exchange is available ALL DAYS !
No more stopping of link exchange ! UNISEXes[*Man & Woman] In case you don't know! are allowed !
<--End Version-->
<--Updated version 2-->
Why is that picture posted ? Cos of something let me tell you :)
Today i slept till 2 pm ! latest day in my whole life cos ! i talk to Avinash from late 4am to 6am ! 2 hours of chatting. We 2 mostly shares our secret with each other !
And let me share my holidays BY JUST STAYING @ home looking at the four walls !
My Mother Especailly she always don't let me sleep until late hours like !
I Know for all Mummies ! they do all these for their CHILDs good & future ... but do they care about how "WE" feel ! They just think whatever they do is always right ! nothing is wrong in their eyes !
No matter what we did in their eyes it will be WRONG ! unless u are borned with a silver spoon ... :( and pampered... ... ... Less talking about this lets talk bou today !
<--Start of today-->
I had been @ home the whole after toon so boring i had been makin these LAYOUT for long !!! very very long i was think what to add into it !
Then late at the evening i was like talking AhNub [*Avinash] and also i locked the door cos my cousin & my Brother keep disturbing me ! and keep KNOCKING THE DOOR !!! so fustrating man!
.... ! and when my Mum and my 2 younger siblings when out den i locked the door and talk to Ahnub! my cousin Marcus want to enter the room but i say NO! alot of times i said NO! and out of the sudden he appear outside my window !!! i was like got sudden HEART ATTACK

Like OMFG! i was so shocked but at the end is my cousin ! i was like effing angry with him ! i feel so scared or shocked @ that f*cking moment lo!
I felt like fainting at that moment :D
I continued making my blog and my cousin say wanted to eat ! so i accompanied him to eat our SUPPER! we ate Fried Prawn Noodles :) $5 and we 2 share and we ordered Soya Milk and grass jelly mix :D each up cost us $0.50 x 2 = $1.00 lar sho cheap!
My Hawker centre at my house that is like F*cking cheap do u find $2.00 food nowdays ? NOPE right so living here FABULOUS !!!!! no regrets manz ... :)
184th , New Blogskin!
I got the inspirations from PAULINE!
I dunno is it nice anot ... :(!
So STRESSED dunno is this BLOGSKIN acceptable!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
183rd , Nuffnang Nokia Blogging Contest!
For Hester[*Note That i dun have my link attached to it!]

This Nuffnang Nokia Blogging Contest ! i still do not get it after reading the email they sent ... ! *Faints*!!!
I need some examples of how do make that POST !
Even if i participate a chance of me winning a phone is very very SLIM !
Cos i dunno what this thing is all about :(
Can some one do it and show it to me ! i bet AndyStorm will recieve this email also since he is a NUFFNANGer ! shall go his blog and check it out :D
Monday, June 22, 2009
182nd , Thank You !
For Cynna :)[*Note that i got my link attached to it]
For Steph :)[*Note that i got my link attached to it]
These 2 Banners are made for Steph & Cynna :)
Both of them help me with it :)
So a token of appreciation or a THANK YOU Banner !:)
As For Steph's Banner i dunno is it ugly anot :( cos i dunno hw blend colors :P
181st , What kind of Blogskin should i change ?
I Had decided to not changing BLOGSKIN!
180th , Infuenza A H1N1!
I CHANGED MY BLOG FROM INTERNET TO MOZILLA I SHALL TRY AND SEE HOW :D:( I had decided to change back to INTERNET EXPLORER ! so what it loads slow :D ! i just love it and sudden change to FF will be difficult for me to adapt :( la so i decided i will just use IE !

Is Like OMG ! when i heard about over
And also heard that this DISASTER is aiming for childrens and TEENS ! OMFG ! dunno is it true or not ... :(
Like what Asyura said in her blog "They might extend the June Holidays!! They might extend by two weeks... Because of the H1N1 Influenza! But in today's The Strait Times, they mentioned that the Education Ministry does not think that there is a need to close schools. However, many schools have been preparing
'e-learning', or also known as online learning. A JC teacher has been told to upload a month worth's homework online." i think not so long :D ! just took from the BS Forum and pasted it here lor !
also "Heard from my mother's friend who is a principal in a Singaporean school, they might extend the holidays but take away our September holiday!"
Definetly "N" "O" !!! NO! cos i kinda miss skool even though i always say that i wan a HOLIDAY !
Going back to school is even better dan staying at home staring @ ur effing electronic devices everyday ! AGREE !?>.< means =" NO"
Sunday, June 21, 2009
179th , Big Aunt's House!

My Cute Little Niece, Chantelle!:)
I dunno will today's post be a short one or a long one :) Cos is so fun today manxzxs!!!
i Never been that happy before in my whole life or otherwise this year :D!!!
Actually today went to Big Aunt's House ! i love going to relatives houses than window-shopping ! with my MUTHA ! or MOTHER :)
it will make my legs freaking tired by just walking here and there all around through the whole MALL or Shopping Centre :D Like Vivo ! aww shyt man ! legs will be painful after a whole day walk ! btw walking is a exercise ! cos my mum goes out everyday! not a single time at home !
Facing my Grandma! her Mutha-in-law ! HAHA!
They 2 seems to have grudges between each other!!!
Lets not elaborate about Walking here and there !!! talk bout my Big Aunt's house ~!
This Big Aunt is my AhYi! not my Gugu ! Ahyi means ~ Mum Side Siblings !!!
MuaHAHAH! This is so effing coincidence man people ! cos ! Cos ! Cos ! cos !
We go there got Hotpot to eat :D ! haha ! love it manhzx !
Cos they are celebrating Father's Day ! so got steamboat ! ate effing alot !
so Full until now or after i cleanse my BLADDER!
Digusted huh ? So what unless u guys never SHYT before ! in ur effing whole life !
Before i continue ! i just remembered this :D ! Check out my freebies okay but is quite shameful lahhs !
Cos only got Fonts available now only ...!
This Freebies Navigations can be found in my Web Info !
Please also read my rules carefully !
HAHAH! incase u guys read wrongly MUAHAH!
and also About OSL Contest ! i lost manzx i dun mind larhs cos my blog not really famous so sure lose der ...!
100% lose one cos no one really visits my blog ... only sometimes ! actually
Diaoz! aiyah but thanks for her Beautiful banner although we just participated she still rewarded us with SMILIES ! i guess i dun need em !
Okay Okay Continue bout my Big Aunt's House !
U will not believe what im saying ! i am a UNCLE of three Nephew and Nieces !
They are my Big Sis Cousin daughter n son ! so i am qualified to be a UNCLE !
HAHAH! den ate ate steamboat until DAMN effing full ! like wan to vomit lehhs den force myself to finish but soup ! forget bout it ... !
I wonder why my younger bro and niece are sho CUTE ! aiyahhs sad thing also to mention it cos i look the same as my YOUNGEST BROTHER ! when i was a BABY! !!
Hahah ! sho gud but now i look so fugly as my own opinion larhs !
Who will think they are pretty or whhat so ever ! no one okay dun believe me ask !!!
Mutha Effing ! den i just realised when my Big Cousin was leaving his shoes are sho unique !
see now it look almost the same as this picture but the fabric is thinner !
it cost alot is like half of my savings or even MORE ! MUAHAHAH! MUAHAHAH!!!
Effing expensive ! okay when my 3 Nephew and Nieces are leaving after their shower ! we still there talking or chatting with my Big uncle and aunt :D!
Den we left and say bye bye for sure ! woahh what a effing long post and i got no idea what im writing ! also !
the END ! sleepy !
Friday, June 19, 2009
178th , Foosball !
I am Going to get my National I/C soon :) i got a letter from the ICA informing me that we will be registering our IC at school @ 1st July which is on Wednesday ! but is just registering ... collection will be after 3 weeks of the registering date!
Aiyahhs i m a resident of SINGAPORE so pink IC

One of the Games i like within these years :P
Firstly i think is fun and enjoyable !
Secondly i think is CUTE !
Thirdly i think is same as the First :P
HAHA! i played this game @ Tampines Safra :) after LAN-ing !
I dun have a live picture of what i am playing but i played this ! and at the end !!!
I Have ..... LOST ! ..... felt fugging angry manz ... I am trying to TOLERATE my EMOTIONS! if not i am going to be ANGRY like HELL !
Finally i myself accept this blogskin that i am currently using :DD !
Cos i cannot adapt to it when i changed it cos is too BLACK and WHITE !
Btw i have comments from JIAYI and Hester saying its nice :P!
Sho Pleased ! with myself and others JUDGEMENT of coz :P!
HAHAH! HAHAH! HAHAH! HAHAH! i am so bored right now ... dunno what to do next ... other den BLOGGIN! the thing is i am not bored bout BLOGGIN ~
i thought at first i will be BLOGGIN awhile ... den AFTERALL ! i blogged and blogged for a total of ! TADA ! ONE WHOLE YEAR !
HAHAH ! so amazed of myself manx ! i cannot believe it myself :) hahah !!! i dun mind without recieving any GIFTS from other BLOGGERS ! i just want people to know that i am ALIVE ! and not DEAD !
AMELIA is pleased with my new LAYOUT ohso :P HAHAH!
School starting @ 2 weeks time !
Holidays ending ! i hate it ...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
177th , New Blogskin !
Yeah i thought of that before but i dun care TIL ! today i saw this comment in my CBOX ! to save my own reputation ! i removed it :P!
Aiyahs is it really that GIRLISH if i used that previous layout ?
i dunno also manhz ! STRUGGLING ! now
Btw who is that J!
Who is that ... WHO ! WHO ! WHO ! sobbies !
Find it out for me you GUYS ! den tell me !
All Tags will be replied in your Comment Box!
176th , Escape Theme Park !
This Game is torturing in my VIEW ! cos i was sprayed or squirt by TONS of people !
What the Fugging Hell when i was sprayed by so much people !
Actually there are more peectures is i am lzy to post them :P is quite nth lar cos we didnot took alot of Peecs !
We are like so busy playing that we forgot about Cam-Whoring ! wtf
But is too late when we realised that .... ! if u are from my class make a LUCKY GUESS who is this !:)
Wet n Wild is one of the most thrilling rides inside the Theme Park actually in my own perpestive view :) ! and i wished that i can VISIT Escape again ... Although there is only
Uhh! 3 People ! and it was FUNNN !!! I hate posting Peectures cos im so lazy to POST EM ! and today Post will be a boring one cos no COLORS ! MARHHS ! MARHHS ! make it simple todaye !
... My Chairman is planning another Class Outing at next week most lightly :P ! wish is Sentosa ! i love that location with some Personal Reasons lahs !
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
176th , Being Excited !
Firstly Let me name out what did i did today :) from early in the noon to now ?!
- Brush Teeth !
- Shower ! (Oh Gosh who doesn't Shower !)
- PC ! (Blogging)
- PC ! (Editing Skins)
- PC ! (Shutting Down :P)
- Take a Eye rest by watching TV :) (Does that counted @ Resting my eyes ?)
- Coutinuing PC-ing till !
- GO Bugis iLuma with Family
- Played Games and Arcade !
- Watched Land of The Lost (2nd Time)
- Eat Dinner @ 10pm Plus !
- Back Home
- PC-ed till now :)!
Note that the Purple one happened in the noon :)
I cannot believed that i watched this HILARIOUS movie 2 times :P Cos my whole family seperate to watch movies :) not really seperate ! is my Dad watch Drag ME to Hell as he had not watched yet :P and Me and my 2 other siblings with my mum watch the Land of the Lost :)
HaHaHa ! My mum said waste of $$$MONEYY$$$
Yeap I totaly agreed with that but i ran out of movies to see ! except DRAG ME TO HELL ! HAHAH !!! Well i hate horror MOVIES ! and i had a nightmar for the WHOLE MONTH ! till i forget bout it ! ... Diaoz ! So What !
BTW Forget about it ... ! My blog Currently has 0 Followers my as well i wind it up my BLOG !
Since no one knew about my blog ... BTW who cares i can ADMIRE it myself !
Btw Who cares ! sorry wrong info !
HAHAH! The End So tired !
Monday, June 15, 2009
175th , Follower Gadget !
i got no mood to post blah blah ..
174th , Saturday - Sunday
Sunday, June 14, 2009
173rd , OSL Contest Update!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
172nd , Daily Life
Please Click it :( once u visit my bloggie PLS !!!
I am one of the so-called "PEOPLE" inside this group of want holidays but misses school ! HAHA! wierd group !!! :P u will soon know the details of this group RIGHT NOW! MUAHAHA! feeling Fcking Bored right now so i shall just post wat eva i think is right abt this group :D The people inside this group are :
1) Me,Myself&I
2) Avinash
3) Cassalyn
4) HuiMei
5) Barbara
6) Fearul
Until now i just realised these few only :P !!! lawls !!! what does we do !
We always complain to teachers that we want "HOLIDAYS" but actually they misses school ...
lets start bout me OKAYY ? :D
I always say i wanna to have SCHOOL HOLIDAYS ! but in the end i find it so boring at HOME !
OMFG okays ! i hate my life now is so BORING only a few things for me to do ! and i wanna job but i dunno where i can find one MAN ! and today i saw one of my SCHOOLMATE ! working in the PC SHOW ! by giving out flyers !!! that earn some amount >.< color="#990000">COMMUNICATE !!! i hate that cos of my my LOW LOW LOW Voice ! is really low if u know me in realife !
I am so hesitate to have my original VOICE !
BTW see that picture -> !!!
Why am i excited like that GIRL ! cos
My class outing is coming @ 17th June (WED)
Guess where were going ! ESCAPE THEME PARK !
HeHeHe !!! guess what actually we are supposed to be purchasing the ADULT ticket already ~!!! and each ticket cost SGD17.70 for non-ntuc members or nEbO card members !
Well im one of the MEMBERS ! i am a 3-Year nEbO member and my ticket only cost me
SGD 7.50!!! MUAHAH!!! mine ishh sho cheap ! and unbelievable !
Cos my ticket is half of their PRICE !!! -.- !
ByeBye:D! and GUDNITESS!
Also there is a coming P.A Crew meeting @ 25th June 9 - 11am!
Friday, June 12, 2009
171st , MrBrown Show Video :)
This Video is so hilarious MAN !!!
U just take a look at it is abt H1N1 lor :D
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
170th Post , Quiz :D
Name a friend from A to Z.
A - Ashley
B - Bach
C - Crystal
D - Donghui
E - Eunice
F - NIL!
G - Glynnis
H - HeLi
I - Ian
J - Junior
K - NIL!
L - Lynn
M - Marcus
N - Nicole Tan
O - NIL!
P - Pailin
Q - NIL!
R - NIL!
S - Steph
T - NIL!
U - NIL!
V - NIL!
W - NIL!
X - Xinyi
Y - YiRou
Z - Ziqing
1. Can R & S be in BGR relationship ? *NIL! & Steph
2. How is H related to you ? *HeLi
- She's my Audi JieJie!
3. Does Y know Z ? *YiRou & ZiQing
- Nope, one my classmate(Y) , another my cousin(Z)!
4. If C betrays you, will you break your friendship with C ? *Crystal
- Nope, cos we are like cyber frens !
5. If K steals your boyfriend, what would you do ? *NIL!
- Oohh DKDK !
6. If B tells you that he/she has a crush on you, what would you do ? *Bach
- Impossible !!!.
7. Who does N have a crush on ? *Nicole
- Wow, i dont know.
8. What's the relationship between you & E ? *Eunice
- She's my uncle friend sister's daughter :! .
9. Who does Z likes ? *Ziqing
- She is attached !
10. Who is I's bestfriend ? *Ian
- Oopps i dk ? as his cousin im his fren >.<
169th Post :D , Stephanie's Contest :)
Stephannie is a great person :D my blogskins inspirations are from her :D also i got my blogskins basecodes from her too :D
She has also helped with alot of things regarding Photoshop :D The Glossy effect of Photoshop i learnt it in less than 5 minutes !!! Do you believe it ?
i cannot believe also when i learnt it in such little time :D MUAHAHA her tutorails are fabulous okay ? !!! she is going to put up the HALOScan tutorial soon which all of us wanted to place it in our blogs :D
Although she dun really know me but in my mind she is a great blogger :D !!!
Mostly i goes to her blog and read her entries and all her UPDATES :D
IS Great to have people like steph :DD !!! Support her by joining the contest !!!
I like this page the "VISITORS" At first i dun give a damn about the RULES ! and i just click "CLICK TO PROCEED" !!! and it say
OMFG !!! i re-read the rules and i just stop reading @ THE 2nd point !!! :D and i click the same thing !!! upteen TIMES !!!
OMFG ~.~ I finally read the rules after so long !!! finally !!! omg i read the rules and i found the navigation button :D!!! HEHEH !!! !!! !!!
She Arranged her links so nicely !!! OMFG ~.~
I Love it i need her help in arranging my links also !!! this page is the "LINKS"
i wonder how she arrange her links and where she get the bullets ??? !!!
I like the NUMBER POINT 3 !!!
i asked her for codings and she ALLOWED !!! i am so elated !!! :D !
~.~ i used most of her blogskins :D and then combined it together !!! ARGHH ! i love it !!! MUAHAHAHA !!! ... and also i used the blogskin called the "BOX OF SCIENCE THINGS" i think la :D !!! and i used another skin called the i dunno la but the title or the image inside is "MR TOASTIE" !!! !!! !!! den i put it and combined !!! !!! !!!
Everything here is written by Edwin Koh !!! please do not try to rip or else i will hunt you down but i will not bite you !!! for sure just dun rip your kind appreciation will be knowned !!!
Monday, June 08, 2009
168th :D , Friday to Sunday Posts
Also go to my Big Uncle's House :DD @ 4pm plus plus !!!
When ther got My Zicheng Jie n Huiling Jie :D !!! and miee Big Uncle !!!
And then at 6plus my 5th uncle came :DD !!!
Before that i played PSP !!! DJ MAx i sucks !!! OMFG !!!
my mum play even worst man !!! suckss !!!
then played blackjack :D won $11.50 with just a few dollars !!!
HAHAH !!! escape theme park monehh !!!
With CLASS 3A !!!
HAHAH !!!! looking forward to it manns!!!
Byebye people :D
When they take wif Yonghao korr :D they pinch here and there !!!!

The UuuFffOoohh ! IS V big right and all we see it landed on EARTH :D
And also in the villian Spaceship there were tons of that UuuuFffOhhh!!!
Wait for my Parents as they watched the Movie called "BLOOD"
Is a vampire movie :D
Friday, June 05, 2009
167th , New link :D

I am just using the word "CHANGED" :D
This is one of the Favourite song i like in Lady Gaga's Album!
Let's have some fun, this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Let's have some fun, this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
I wanna kiss you
But if i do then i might miss you, babe
It's complicated and stupid
Got my ass squeezed by sexy cupid
Guess he wants to play, wants to play
I love game, i love game
Hold me and love me
Just want touch you for a minute
Baby three seconds is in it for my heart to quit it
Let's have some fun, this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Don't think too much, just bust that thick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Let's play a love game, play a love game
Do you want love, or you want fame
Or you win the game
Through the love game
Let's play a love game, play a love game
Do you want love, or you want fame
Or you win the game
Through the love game
I'm on a mission and it involves some heavy touching, yeah
You've indicated your interest, i'm educated in sex, yes
And now i want it bad, want it badI love game, i love game
Hold me and love me
Just want touch you for a minute
Baby three seconds is in it for my heart to quit it
Let's have some fun, this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Don't think too much, just bust that thick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Let's play a love game, play a love game
Do you want love, or you want fame
Or you win the game
Through the love game
Let's play a love game, play a love game
Do you want love, or you want fame
Or you win the gameThrough the love game
I can see you staring there from across the block
With a smile on your mouth and your hand on your c (huh!)
The story of us, it always starts the same
A boy and a girl and a (huh!) and a game
Let's play a love game, play a love game
Do you want love, or you want fame
Or you win the game
Through the love game
Let's play a love game, play a love game
Do you want love, or you want fame
Or you win the game
Through the love game
Let's play a love game, play a love game
Do you want love, or you want fame
Or you win the game
Through the love game
Let's play a love game, play a love game
Do you want love, or you want fame
Or you win the game
Through the love game
---THE END---
Thursday, June 04, 2009
166th , Banner :D
I made myself a banner and the image quality is not really good ! and pls dun blame me
But i dun have Adobe Photoshop CS3/4 !
165th Post , Halloween MNV by Banned story!
This movie freaked me out ! when i 1st watched in Charlotte's blog!!!
164th , Blockquote testing :D
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Wednesday, June 03, 2009
163th Post

The Great Ping Pong Ball Experiment By Phil Shapiro
The Great Ping Pong Ball Experiment By Phil Shapiro
The Nile river is the longest river in the world. It starts out in Lake Victoria, in the middle of Africa, and flows nearly four thousand (4,000) miles north to the Mediterranean Sea. Lake Victoria, where the Nile starts, is the second largest fresh-water lake in the world. The only lake that is larger is Lake Superior, in between Canada and the United States.
Now nobody knows for sure who first suggested the great ping pong ball experiment. It might have been dreamed up by some absent-minded, daydreaming inventor. Or, it could have been thought up by some great scientist. Or, it might have been thought up by a little kindergartener in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
But the important thing is that somebody thought of it. And before long, people all over the world were talking about it. The newspapers printed stories about it. Television stations did special feature stories on it. And, everyone, just everyone, expected that the great ping pong ball experiment would happen right on time.
What exactly was the great ping pong ball experiment anyway? How was the experiment to be performed, and what was it supposed to show?
The great ping pong ball experiment took place to show just one thing. The purpose of the experiment was to show that a small, frail ping pong ball could travel four thousand miles down the longest river in the world.
The experiment would end when the ping pong ball reached the capital city of Egypt, Cairo. At that time, a kindergarten student from one of the schools in Cairo would reach down into the Nile, and pick up the ping pong ball that had been thrown into the river way back at Lake Victoria.
Two months. That's how long the ping pong ball would have to travel from Lake Victoria to Cairo. To add some zest and excitement to the experiment, the ping pong ball was to be thown into the top of the Nile River on November 1, 1999. The entire world would then watch to see if the ball could travel the length of the Nile before midnight, December 31, 1999.
But the journey would be a dangerous one for a small, frail ping pong ball to travel. The ball would have to survive at least nine large waterfalls. It would have to survive being thrown against rocks and boulders. It would have to survive getting stuck in the papyrus reeds by the side of the river. And most importantly, it would have to survive getting swallowed by any hungry fish along the way.
People would follow it all along its long journey. Scientists would follow it by driving along roads that travelled parallel to the Nile river. They would keep careful track of how far the ball had travelled each day. Sometimes they would even circle over the ping pong ball in a helicopter, making sure that the ball was safely travelling downstream.
Once a week people all over the globe would turn on their televisions to see how far the ping pong ball had travelled in the past week. The television studios would have a large map of Africa on the wall, with an arrow pointing to where the ping ball was on that particular day.
It would be an elegantly simple experiment for the people of planet Earth to perform. For two months, the attention of the world would be focussed on what was happening to a ping pong ball travelling down the Nile river.
The outcome of the great ping pong ball experiment would not change the lives of many persons living on this planet. But perhaps, just perhaps, the experiment itself would help people realize that in some ways the planet Earth is just a small, frail ping pong ball traveling through space.
---THE END---
I Most likely will be having a long post :D
cos i dun have the mood to have long post the past few days !
Last friday my whole family brought us to watch TERMINATOR SALVATION ! as stated on my previous post :D
The Movie was superb okay ! nothing can decribe it ! the technology is so GOOD ! Is like damn real ! cannot imagine man !
Totaly ! it rocks ! After the movie we went to X Zone for games :D Actually we had our movie @ E!HUB
Used my own nebO card :D Inside got at least $10 for me alone to have much more fun games !
What i love most is the Junior Basketball Thingy :D always score seldom miss ! so good !
Went out with my Aunt :D Including my Mum n my Little Brother Ernest ! Edmund was @home :D
Went to AMK!HUB ! Planning to watch Monster Vs Aliens ! but at the end nope ! as mention earlier ! the $10 in nEbO card is used ! in AMK!HUB !!! not left a few bucks only ! SOBB!
also on that day my mum & aunt ! i am the only which ate claypot rice ! it is so tasteless ! they ate the seafood with 3 crabs only @ $25 Bucks cheap huh ? but is only very small !
After my claypot rice im still hungryy :D ate crabs then FULL ! i dunno why im such a LARGE EATER ! Trying to slim down but simply cannot sighhh ...
Stay @ home and Computer-ed for the whole day playing my online game ! from IJJI.com DriftCity actually i played before but i dun have any more games to play ... I hate DOTA ! Maple Private Server also SIANZ !
AuditionSea i sucks ! i hate Sudden Attack ! Soldier Front all Gun Games i hate !
Cannot find anygames to play ... HAIZZ !
--- The End ---
My Weekday posts are boring i prefer not posting them :D