Monday, March 30, 2009
Then later on for PE had 2 stations of NAPHA training i get 170+ cm for Standing Broad Jump 1st time getting so far but i need 186 cm +++ to score WTFSS..
To get GOLD all Pass @ 3 Points
One Fail all fail ....
Mr Sham added the quote on top thats what i am scared of My 2.4km RUN ! luckily haven do pull up !!! OMFG what will happen if im 15 YEARS ! Pull UP !
Mostly my Napha will be tested after school but for my cohort all during PE lessons ! YEAHH
The Five Stations:
Sit Ups *
Inclined Pull-Up / Pull-Up
Standing Broad Jump *
Sit and Reach
Shuttle RUN*
2.4km RUN *
OMG the marked with * asterisk is my weakness STATIONS !
I am having some phobia NOW >.<>
For English We are did worksheets as Mrs Chan said she is not feeling well ... do do do and worst thing AVINASH never come huda and Fearul said Why ? My best friend never COME ! OHH...
For Bible Study i got my materials ready and also one of the Volleyballers Seniors say i CUTE ! OMFG i think im blushing MAN a woman syaing that im cute OMG !!! so paisehh ...
Den Later Rachel and Helen got something for ME ! .... Which needs my BIBLE !....
They Drew a diagram about how MAN and GOD seperates each other.
Then they say the Verses i need to find from my BIBLE. LOL !.
Later on i founded all ..
Q&A time and i answered them correctly :)
After everything Siew Lim asked me questions :)
She Asked : AM i the man that commited SIN that GOD and I were seperated ;)
Helen & Rachel said i have been praying for you everyday or sometimes :) i felt so HAPPY that i got such true friends then After that all of them Prayed to me i prayed as well BTW..
Being a Christian is not a bad idea but i need to SEEK my parents permission and my sense told me that they will OBJECT this suggestion...
i bluffed Mr Philip said that i got duty for PA :) den he let me go and i never when for duty and just left to TM with Joshua then he said dun let mich know where we GOIN! i was WHAT !!!.
Mich SMS-ed me alot of times and Joshua took my PHONE OMG !!!!
Then she called then i said we will have a surprise for you :) she dun believe but...
Suddenly Sheryl appear Behind mE !!! including Wenbin i was SHOCKED ....
den we went here and there to escape from them den i saw MICHELLE !.. holding on to a ZINC plastic bag she said was a BAG from Aloysius Lee :) she compared me and him say Aloy was better den me ! OMG not lorr....
1300hrs @ bus stop
1315hrs @ at interchange
1330hrs @ inside TM
1345hrs @ Walking to int
1400 hrs @ school
1435hrs @ ECA bS started
1625hrs @ Bus Stop
1645hrs @ MRT
1700hrs @ Bus Stop
1715hrs @ Home ;)
Time Chart blabla.. time are mostly estimated :) and im SHo Happy..
WHAT A LONG POST ! OMFG have a Good Night and Sleep Tight don't let Bed Bugs bite you :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
1. When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up...but you miss them already when it was just two minutes ago
2. You read their texts over and over again...
3. You walk really slowly when you're with them...
4. You feel shy whenever you're with them...
5. When you think about them, your heart beats faster and faster...
6. You smile when you hear their voice...
7.When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you... all you see is him/her...
8. You start listening to slow songs, while thinking of them...
9. They become ALL you think about...
10.You get high just from their scent...
11.You realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you think about them....
12.You would do anything for them...
13.While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time.....
Now make a wish
***** *
* *
* *
*** ******
Copy this to your blog ;D
13 signs of falling in love???'
to as many people as possible in the next 15 minutes
*and something good will happen to you tonight.
If you don't Copy THIS it you will be ALONE for 5 years Don't send this back to the person who sent this to you TAG YOU'RE IT !
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Rules and regulation of the tag ;All 21 people must do unless you don't have a blog.Write the names of 16 friends you can think of in your head.And then answer the questions,Say you're guessing if you don't know,But at least guess on all of them.After doing this, tag your 21 unlucky friends to do the same.
1. Michelle Chan
2. Huei Jun
3. Jodi
4. Lynn
5. Vinise
6. Nicole
7. Nafisah
8. Cassalyn
9. Barbara
10. Glynnis
11. Ian Chan
12. Ashley
13. Marcus
14. Yii Feng
15. Weiling
16. Junior
17. Xinyi
18. Yi rou
19. DongHui
20. Lucius
21. Avinash
1. How did you meet 7? (Nafisah)
When i joined PA.
2. What would you do if you and 15 had never met? (Weiling)
We will not be classmate in primary school already :).
3. What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? (Lucius, Michelle Chan)
HAHAHA. both of them are attached except Lucius.
4. Have you seen 17 cried? (Xinyi)
5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? (Lynn, Junior)
Nope, obviously they never even met before.
6. Do you think 11 is attractive? (Ian Chan)
HAHAHA, no comments to that as he was My cousin and im not a GIRL.
7. What is 2's favourite colour? (Huei Jun)
8. When was the last time you talked to 9? (Barbara)
Dunno, As we 2 are classmates.
9. What language does 8 speaks? (Cassalyn)
English and chinese.
10. Who is 13 going out with? (Marcus)
11. Would you ever date 17 ? (Xinyi)
Nope, cause i am already attached.(:
12. Where does 18 live? (Yirou)
Somewhere around Tampines.
13. What is the best thing about 4? (Lynn)
when she takes sweet from me again and again :)
14. What would you like to tell 10 right now ? (Glynnis)
U look wierd with your new braces.
15. What is the best thing about 20? (Lucius)
He is a funnehh guy:D
16. Have you ever kiss 2? (HueiJun)
NOPE ! im attached...
17. What is the best memory you have of 5? (Vinise)
Oh nothing as we just knew each other.
18. When's the next time you're going to see 4? (Lynn)
None. we see each other in school all the time.
19. How is 7 different from 6? (Nafisah, Nicole)
Alot of differences!
20. Is 2 pretty? (Huei Jun)
No comments!
21. What was your 1st impression of 15? (Weiling)
No comments to this.
22. How did you meet 3? (Jodi)
By HueiJun and she was my classmate (2008).
23. Is 15 your best friend? (Weiling)
Nope, she is just a friend to me :)
24. Do you hate 12? (Ashley)
No, she also never do anything wrong hate her for what.-.-
25. Have you seen 18 in the last month? (Yirou)
Yes as i always see her in school.
26. When was the last time you saw 16? (Junior)
Primary 6.
27. Have you been to 5's house? (Vinise)
Nope, not yet.
28. When's the next time you'll see 10? (Glynnis)
29. Are you close to 11? (Ian Chan)
Yep, he is my Cousin.
30. Have you been to the movies with 4? (Lynn)
Not yet, haha.
31. Have you gotten in trouble with 8? (Cassalyn)
No, lol.-.-
32. Would you give 19 a hug? (Dong Hui)
No i don't we never evn meet up before and im not a
33. When have you lied to 3? (Jodi)
I've got nothing to lied to her about. LOL.
34. Is 11 good at socializing? (Ian Chan)
LOL, of course.
35. Do you know a secret about 8? (Cassalyn)
36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 18. (Ashley, Yirou)
Ex-classmate and best fren.
37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9? (Barbara)
Uh, don't know.
38. what's the worst thing about 6? (Nicole)
HAHAHA, nothing lah.
39. Have you even had a crush on 12? (Ashley)
NO ! Im attached
40. How long have you known 2? (HueiJun)
Uh, since Sec 1.
41. Does 11 have any girlfriend/boyfriend? (Ian Chan)
42. Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face? (Michelle Chan)
Lol, siao ah she's my girlfriend how to punch?-.-
43. Has 21 meet your parents? (Avinash)
LOL, no.
44. How did you meet 11? (Ian)
Since i was born as he was my COUSIN!
45. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3? (Jodi)
Nonono, haha.
46. Do you live close to 7? (Nafisah)
Nope, not quite near i bedok she Tampines.
47. What is 8's favourite food? (Cassalyn)
Forgotten already, heh.
48. What kind of car does 1 have? (Michelle Chan)
Still so young, wait till she 21 years.
49. Have you traveled anywhere with 9? (Barbara)
50. If you give 14 a $100 , What would she/he spend it on? (Yiifeng)
Michelle Chan(1) Birthday present?
Yay, finally done with this long long quiz.
Later is chinese lo =P i did the survey den later on the textbook page 25-26 and theres a video i forgot to watch den do the survey leiis ! when i found out the video is too LATE ! omfg den got oral must record the readings to our phone and put it in the workbin ! but unfortunately my phone cannot record and i jst texted Mrs Fu(Chi teacher) for what to do lor .
For mathematics is Algebra we never even give a damn to do it Cass me ahneh huimei azrin doing tomorrow but Barbara do le ... cass say Barbara pang sehh ... HAHA den later on we keep surfing nets listen to songs and blabla ... ! just surf net nia la ... den surf until dismiss i got nth to do sehhs ! so sianz derr den later on dismiss lerr when to MAC to eat ah neh treat us fries when i bought myself a Lemon tea ... We were toking and toking Thaqif came and left wif Azrin den soon my Dad came also :( ahneh call me to wait lo =P hahaha....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
den at assembly today i suddenly stomah ache OMFG i tot but tolerate until cannot come out ... eeeyer and also i have been not changing link so is time already =P but i must say is TIME !!! to relink already and i tot or the link liao =P so easy derr la =P den lata at CPA lesson i sat below a COLD aircon neilson wan exchange wif me ...
Chinese lesson watched shrek 2 for a while Mrs fu tot disc got prob go change to harry Potter goblet of the fire den also so soft den watch until everything finish and i need go tell sec 3 go bak class dey dun wann especailly der 3 muskeeterrs ... always stick 2gether derr... dismissed liaos and also SYNERGY night performers go there at 7AM so early siao arrr huda going V, Nic and nana going lo =P dress so chio hehe....
Mich say maybe wan go synergy nite lo and she told me rg going leiis i den tell her say euu go dere to just see him arr den she make that sound again ... always dat same sound and i MAYBE can change fone today nite or tomolo i wish can change today !!! samsung f480 here i COME !
Monday, March 23, 2009
2nd take ....
took in TM 1st take !

curious of wat she is writing ?

What is she writing ?(she is writing on my book)
i cannot take it liaos larr 1st day of school NIA leiis .... aiyohhs aiyoohhhs and i dunno hw he noes i hate ALGEBRA ! only my sec 2 mathematics teacher knows only.... ARGHH .. ohso it is so sienz
during Art lesson non of us has a peace of mind cos MS MUNIRAH is scolding everyone as no one had finished her work ... so wat !!! but dis i must do liao ... i dun care lerrss.. left extracting as i did my devolpoment earlier den the extractin lorr and layout plus color scheme .... so much and all must be done by next week OMFG !!! i must not slack anymore or we all DIE !!! and den at the end dismissed and she repeated her self must do everything finish before der next Thursday or next week i dunno larr.s i so scared jiu shi larr...
Later after skool when to study area wait for her lo =P den she came and wait for mii and i got a $37.90 credit in the bookshop leiis =P i spended alot leiis bought a book and pen and 2 corrections tape lo >.< larrs ="p" lo ="P" mich ="P" herr ="P">
After dat when bak skool and den go to canteen and wait for my daddy joshua left home first den me a and her wait for my DADDY ! he fetch me and mich lol ! and forgotten smth in the M1 shop i wanted hold her hand i did hold for ahwile she scared joshua see faster let go and blush sehh her ... wtf so paiseii mehh letting joshua know ... so sensitive derr... i wan her HAND !!!! den lata waited for few minutes for my dad and mich mum started calling =p ... so annoying man ! den we went home and i bathe and slept for ahwile =P and also pictures will be uploaded soon ty =P
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Den later left house at 3pm plus when on my way out i knocked onto a glass and the glass shattered ? i almost injured myself and i was so careless MAN !!! omfg my ah marh says aiyohh pui kia i hate her lA ! she so idoitic scold me infront of my RELATIVES !!! den later on horhhs when to fulushou and pray lo =P and buy a bag for Edmund ! actually at first my mum buy some pink colorings type for him den i say edmund will not like it DER !!! den she change to black color .. lor change liaos den lost . i call her she dun answer derr fone ..
Later on at nite when to Kallang leisure park to watch a MOVIE called Hotel for Dogs ! it was so touching MAN and fabbulous ! i like it :) and at the end the dave and andi was together and they opened a HOTEL FOR DOGS so high class man and theres caufferr man ! cars and salon SPA also ... LAME but the movie was nice lar no objections to it =P den when to Tampines safrra i went to the LAN shop and use pc talked to DongHui in msn lor he got blog i go link him lo ...
also oki he say AKA girl i hate it !!! so bye bye god bless
1: Besides your lips , where is your favorite spot to get kissed?- cheek.
2: How do you feel when you woke up this morning?-Tired and Sianz
3: Who was the last person you took a photo with?- Mich.
4: Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?- Don't think so.
5: Would you ever donate blood?- Nahh.
6: Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?- YEAH !
7: Do you want someone dead?- YES! If i could. Backstabbers/Betrayer.
8: What does your last text message say?- "ILOVEYOUS
9: What are you thinking of right now?- Thinking of Hoilday.
10: Do you wish someone was with you right now?- I rather be with her.
11: What time did you go to sleep last night?- 1 plus.
12: Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?- Billabong.
13: Is someone on your mind right now?- Mich!
14: Who was the last person to text you?- Michelle
Grabbed frm xinyi blog =P
Yay! Finally done this quiz by that Idiotic Monster!Update soon.
den later at the after noon left house for pulau ubin lor =P omfg it was raining and my shoe and leggs was gross and dirty !!! washed my leg again and again wen to der tua pek gong temple to pray and burn incense paper and id difficult to burn as it was raining those red colorings dissolved and our hands are red !!! and it was removed when i used soap or Lemon mama lol ! after pulau ubin when to ehub in TAXI jammed alot cars
at ehub stay dere for a while nia played the explorERkidz to play my 2nd bro dun wan go away as we dun wan to play wif him chase chase until my small didi twisted his ankle i guess he was crying so loud dat everyone was looking here !!! so embaresss wtf den lata car-ed to aljunied for steamboat supper ... ordered alot man !!! so full the soup was superb !!! i loved it :) so yumm yumm i lurbb it and she called me i say i in aljunied she dunno AIYOHYOHHSSS.. and also next WEDNESDAY i think i can change phone and is my dream fone SGH F480 my dream fone no 1 can snatch !!! shoo =P and link is going to be changed soon =P
Saturday, March 21, 2009
phone change on 25.o3.o9
Thursday, March 19, 2009
this was accidentaly injured by me durin the training camp and im so sorry Nicole ={
this picture is koped from Nicole blog =P as i was in a hurry den no time take a picture of her hand ={
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
MR LIM WEISHENG (IT executive) teach hw to be a gud ICT(IT) champ lor tok tok for 2hrs den can use PC for awhile lorr =P for 20 minutes nia u think this is called long but my better la all other champs the cher call dem copy questions and answers so LAME when Cass me Yirou ahneh was not finished yet we go take free drinks sponsored by Mrs Fu and Mrs koh-chia while waiting we teased him saying u finished sweeping the floor oredi arhh ... lamme den when he wan go toilet we say u go isnide and clean so FAST ! poo den clean den come out funniest when we saw a birdie so black den i asked the 2 girls wat if ah neh became so black in RL ?
they 2 giggled at the end at abt 12pm my dad came and brought mt home =P
Ate macdonalds Big breakfast as we came to early den me Yirou and cass ordered big breakfast lor i ordered coke in the morning and i cannot finished it ... as i was clearing the trays i sat near the dustbin dey keep calling me to throw things into the BIN so sitting beside a rubbish bin SUCKS !!!
Monday, March 16, 2009

What a tiring day i have today ... left home at abt 3pm + to Geylang Lor 7 Temple to pray i stayed in the car as im damn tired to go down and PRAY ... almost felt asleep in the car =P so TIRED ... and also today went to BUGIS also alot people shop and shop den went to CITY HALL the people inside the MRT was terrible ! so many people .... i think cos of the IT FAIR in suntec yeash i did went to suntec ALOT people !!! the escalator was regulated (in-charged) by the managment and some POLICE officers alot people OMG ... alot people bought PLASMA TV and LCD TV too and printers ... buy CANON printer can get free ink and paper i guess =P it was damn crowded =) new said bcos of the ECONOMY DISTRAINS the IT FAIR the customers percentage went up by a few percent as everything there was cheap and theres lucky draw ...
Saturday, March 14, 2009
CEREMONY 1 started at abt NOON time 2pm den the emcees started to talk bla bla bla .... say this and dat here and dere then VIPs came =P tell euu arhh at CEREMONY 2 is not just VIPs is VVIPs cos got the formal principal and alot ppl come arhh after the CEREMONY 1 she wanted to find me but im busy lor my APOLOGIES =( psps not gu yi dun find euu dehh =( and den during the CEREMONY 1 that was like so much sunshine at night so dark and quiet as Glendon when home for his tuition lo =P the funniest part is JIE HUI photo her SHORT HAIR !!!!! hahaha
so humilating =P and ah neshh like wanted guy on the screen =P Yupin got some difficulties walking towards Mr Daniel Koh ehhs ? nvm ur leg injury will CURE soon !!!! at night Ceremony 2
Thursday, March 12, 2009
well today early in the morning woke up at 10 am plus to go to school for the meet the parent session with mr Sham and also Fearul was the chair man he was there early !....
to give us number tags and also a small paper advertising about the libaray books sales
30 cents to 50 cents only la but we dun give a damn bout it =P after MTPS went to TM
for lunch ate chicken rice dere and tao suan den my dad when to MobileOne Ltd to pay my
mum phone bills =P after everything i asked my dad can i change fone ? he say win 4d 1st
i say nono i wan samsubg f480 =P i always wanted that phone but i needed to wait ...
Yi rou says she hates touch screen phone cos if type fast will lag =P for her opinion....
at home watch TV for a long long time and finding blogskins to change after that =P...
at the end i did find a blog skin dat i liked and i edit alot of places =P the font and blabla..
after all i did i made until my faved blogskins .. and btw i dunno y i like simple blogskins !
is kinda of my type to love using simple blogskins ... i have been started to like simple skin
since last year november or earlier... i started loving =@ and tomorrow must reach skool BY
10.30am for set up liao den lunch ..... den go bak skool agn for the actual founders day
i will be in the school until 9pm or even later =P cos alot prizes will be presented !!!
about thousands of pupils and staffs receiving prizes leiis ... euu noe ..
white PA t-shirt for afternoon black PA t-shirt for the evening which alot graduated
students will be coming back to their alma mater =P lols im excited abt tomorrow =P
i fare quite good for my results lar.. except for mathematics i still pass but get D grade
wondering hw is her grades =P i wish is good and passed =P knajionging ...
i will see how people look like in their sec 1 and sec 3 photos on the powerpoint slides.
jiehui too embaress to let ppl see her short hair picture =P she look FUNNEHH !!!
bb and have a good night people =P
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
1o.o3.o9 fotos
What are we lookingg AT ?
Sunday, March 08, 2009
what i hate abt the camp is the showering and the bunk it was so stuffy !!! WTF....
What happen in these few days is that the camp is fun but boring ... cos my CLASS...
cannot cooporate wif other class damn .... WTFSS some of the games they play we nvr play...
my class so selfish dunno hw cooporate shout her shout dere ike WTFFSS i was damn angry that time ok ! so selfish .... DAMN den problem is the BUNKS so stuffy like hot cannot sleep dehh ...
and also something happened in the CAMP leiis .... smth nia lorhh.... i will tell ya lata lar \D
be patient lo ... cannot wait den dun read la ... so impatient on the last day and so sorry 2nd day i
got nth to write abt it worhh ps ! last day it was my chance for the high elements lahhh...
frm bottom look up dere not so scary but frm .... but frm top look down is DAMN HIGH .....
mich told me dat she dun daree to walk the log cos is shaky and is very high ...
when i was walking my legs are shaking during alot of times i almost fell .... so scary WTF
some ppl brought their hhandphones i wanna to bring dehhs but i scared lost .... stupid huh ..
i am so envy when dey are using their hp .... i wanna change my FONE !!!...
heres the exciting PART !!!! when i was wif mich lar after my high elements horr...
she tok to me and she wan me to folo her den she grabbed my hand and pulled me up ...
den Mr Philip said " MICHELLLE CHAN !!! whose hand are holding on !!! " me and her felt paisehh .... den Mr philip tok to her and i din dare to face back as i felt so paissehh dat time ..
and sheryl lim and lucius keep saying abt me like WTFSS... nvm la i have no grudges within dem lo den bus-ed to school den Avinash, Yi rou and Huda went to find Mr K. ans ask why never go
to the camp den mr K says he very busy and got no time to go everyone so upset when he not coming leiis and the food SUCKS ... and ALSO Miru says she gets DISTRACTED easily.....
she repeated that sentence "I GET DISTRACTED EASILY" alot of times abt the day we started camping there .... so nagging and she scolded my bunk mates ... on the 1st nite ...
BOIIBOII ALL after my long long post !
Monday, March 02, 2009
RAINING Cats and Dogs today ! is like damn ..... stupid RAINING makes my legs wet =D
although i love rainy days but these few days th rain is too HEAVY and im hoping to see ..
RAINBOW but to see rainbow is not easy as you think . you know is hard and rare....
today Went to VIVO city or Habourfront ... and shopped alot today bought my CAMP
Matierals ..... MY GOD !!! camp is reaching this WED wtfss camping sucks .... unless the camp
is enjoyable lor.... i hate camping .... cos no bed and pillows ... for me AIR-CON too....
also SHOPPED alot of groceries ..... and my AUNT bought a quilt QUEEN size.... and
i heard today is the last day of 7% GST offers ... i din know tat ......
My Instinct was Lan Pei i will not know anything happening to me unless ppl tell me ...
HAHA thats how slow i am .... stupid right .... and i passed all SUBJECTS !!!!!
Something happen during CHAPEL . why cos me and Yii Feng was the clicker and the chapel was hosted by WENDY .... i hate her leiis we tok nia not her PROB !!!! marhhs she scold us
cos me and Yii Feng clicked too fast liaos ... lik tat also angry is lik WTFS ..
she say she cannot concentrate if we were TOKING ..... LAME excuse to scold us
im not the only person hu hate her so who cares DOTZ .... she SUCKS !!!!!!!
OOPS 1st time spamming on my POST ....... BUAIIZ